Friday, June 20, 2008

Life’s Never-Ending Happiness

Life’s Never-Ending Happiness
Written by Val Morina

July 7, 1627, John and Joseph woke up hearing loud banging at the front door. Joseph the oldest strained his eyes, to take a look at the old, rough and colourless grandfather clock that stood across the room, it showed that it was only 6:00 in the morning. Who can be at the door at 6:00 in the morning? Asked John the youngest, his blue eyes looked worried and tired at the same time. Father rushed to the door and opened it. Two men in green uniforms burst into the house, and started throwing everything around. What are you doing to my house their mother had shrieked! One of the men in a uniform had told them that they had 24 hours to leave their home, and if they didn’t, then they had no choice but to kill them all. The second man in a uniform had told them that they can only take what they carry, and to leave the rest behind.

The two men left the house, and started up the street. The two scared boys ran to their mother and father, John started to cry and Joseph was asking what are they were going to do “We need to start packing now said father. The Dean family started packing and took only what they can carry. There they started their journey, along the Mediterranean Sea. No home, No nothing. The only home they ever knew was in Greece, and now they had to leave all that behind. John the youngest, only 7 was crying that he wanted to go home. Joseph only16 was complaining on how they would make it. They hardly had any food, and they only had the clothes on their backs. Father carried John on his back. John cried himself to sleep, his face stained by tears, his blond hair matted, but then again none of the four had time to really clean themselves up. Their minds were only on what they really needed on their long journey.

The family passed through Romania. They were lucky enough when a nice family had taken them in. A mister and misses and their young daughter who was about Johns age. Mother, Father and the two boys stayed at the nice family’s home for about two weeks and got to know the family more. Their names where Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, and the daughters name was Katrina. They had told them that they had taken in a few other families that where moving on foot, for they where forced out of their homes as well. The Sullivan family gave them a few pair of clothes and extra food for their trip. They wished them luck, and then they where on their way once more.

After a few hours the four of the Deans made it back to the Mediterranean Sea. They walked and walked and finally they grew tired and hungry. They stopped by a dark woods, that looked well hidden and a good enough place to stay for a while; people would have to pressure their eyes to see in the woods. The Deans ate. After their stomachs were full they went to sleep. They had, had a very long day. Trying not to get caught or seen. All day they had to hide. The two boys woke up early in the morning, had soy milk and fresh bread. Then told their parents that they were going exploring and they would stay out of sight. Finally John and Joseph were on their way. The two boys found some berries and other types of fruits. John the youngest one; was wandering away from the trail they were on and found train tracks. John yelled to his brother Joseph, and the two stood there open eyed. They stared beyond the train tracks were they ended. They saw beautiful trees, and the water was as clear as glass. They forced their eyes to see such a beautiful seen. John was the first to point out this beautiful, bright, and tall castle. It stood very straight; it looked as if it were trying to reach for the sky and the heavens. Exited, the two boys ran back to their parents to tell them what they had found.

The parents were opened eyed as well when they saw what their sons had found. Mother and father had this crazy idea that the beautiful castle they had seen might be were their rich and royal family live. But for some reason the two boys wouldn’t believe their parents, for that was to much to handle and they were way to miserable. After a while family went looking around, in bushes and many other very well hidden places, looking for something they can use to get over to the other side of the train tracks and to the castle as well. For they would not walk all the way on foot, they had much still to carry with them. Then they heard a muffled scream, they looked around and that’s when they noticed that John wasn’t with them, they couldn’t see him. They started to yell out to him, and they heard him screaming that he was somewhere in some bushes and he was stuck. The three of them followed where the voice was coming from. As they got closer they can see where he had fallen. It was a small whole not very large, but it would seem very big to a small kid like John.

That’s when they saw it. It was covered and well hidden by very large bushes. It was at train like wagon, it was one of those things that you can sit in it and move on train tracks. It had a small lever where you pull on to move the train like wagon on the train tracks. The whole thing was rusty, but it would work, and they would make it work one way or the other. They had to find a way to get across, and be safe with their unknown family. After working on the rusty train like wagon for at least two hours, they ate and then fell asleep thinking of how they would make it to the other side of the tracks and to the beautiful castle.

Mother and father woke up with a startle; they heard scratching and ripping of fabric. They looked around them and noticed that their two sons were missing. Mother and father jumped to their feet and darted like lightening to where the noise was coming from. Then they had reached the noise they were out of breath, gasping for air, there they saw that the john was ripping the extra sheets that he and his older brother Joseph used. Then they looked to were the scratching was, and there they saw Joseph scratching at the rusty train like wagon, he was using the switch blade that he had gotten from his father on his 12th birthday. Mother and father were frantic, what are you both doing, their mother and father had shrieked. Joseph the oldest spoke first for the both of them. John is making a sail for when we go on the train tracks, he told them that the wind would help them get to the other side of the tracks, it will blow the sail so then we wouldn’t have to work so hard. And Joseph said that he was trying to scrape off some of the mouldy rust off of the train like wagon. They just wanted to help their mother and father, just so that you both don’t have to work so hard. Their mother and father smiled weakly and apologized for yelling, they had just thought that something was wrong.

After two days of gathering food, the family was now set and ready to go on with their journey. They found out that the sail had actually saved them a lot of trouble, and it had worked brilliantly. They watched the sun set every night and awoke when the sun was rising. Then they got back to work, to get to the other side of the train tracks. It was a beautiful seen, the way the sun reflected on the clear soft water, the way its long bright rays looked as if it were trying to reach over and beyond the water. They had also found out that the train tracks that they were on were abandoned, for they hadn’t met with a train on their journey. It had taken them weeks just to get across, but it was not a sweat to find their royal rich family. They had just walked up to the castle; they were being expected by their new family. They were ragged when their new family had taken them in. They had no more worries, they had their family, and they had made it all this way, with love, trust and courage as well. And they were loved and taken care of just the same. The four of the Dean Family watched the sunset every night and woke up early in the morning to watch it rise. It always brought back memories about their long, cruel journey, but their were also good things about their journey. They had each other all the way.
And They Lived Happily Ever After


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